Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Week 1

Friday: December 31
Durban poison clone purchased from Medical Marijuana of the Rockies. Clone was in healthy condition. Was planted immediately after returning home into the DWC system. Water level: 2-3 cm above bottom of net pot. Grow Nutrients were added a 1/4 strength, PH 5.5-5.8. Shade provided from 400 watt HPS with paper strips. Lights put on 18/6 timer.

Saturday: January 1
No change in plants above ground appearance. No change in plants roots.

Sunday: January 2
No change in plants above ground appearance. No change in plant roots.

Monday: January 3
Woke up this morning around 8 am and was very surprised to find the plant had grown 2-3 inches. And growth in the root base has improved considerably.  Roots are now sticking through the bottom of net pot and are suspended into the water.

Tuesday: January 4
6:00 this morning I topped and cloned the Durban Poison.
Clones look healthy and have been misted with 5.5-5.8 ph water.
Mother plant looks very healthy as well.

Wednesday January 5:
Changed water early in the morning 3 tbs grow nute A B. Misted clones . Clones look very healthy so far as well as the mother.
6-9th of January:
Was gone. When returning all clones were dead due to improper misting and cubes drying up.

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